Now is the time for Christmas stationery
We would like to remind you that it is a good time to think about [...]
Successful selection process
Succesful tender Our rich experience in manuals and brochures for manufacturers and importers of cars has [...]
Audio / video manuals
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Docu Production prepares audio and video manuals and electronic multimedia documentation. We can then present them in electronic form on CD, DVD, Blueray, in Flash and in other media, including websites. Design, creation, animation, voiceover and final production.
- script writing
- structuring content
- creating illustrations
- product photography
- video shoots
- animation of products, characters and environments
- technical animation
- design and post-production
- final appearance of manual
- dubbing and localization
- production of CDs, DVDs, Blueray, Flash or other media
- adapting documentation to the web